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How to Ensure a Safe, Natural Childbirth

Bringing a child into the world as naturally as possible is the hope of many expectant moms. Our team of obstetricians and midwives at The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group want that for you, too.

To help you have a memorable and safe childbirth experience, we work together to create a natural childbirth plan involving consistent, high-quality prenatal care.

Understanding natural childbirth

Natural childbirth focuses on delivering your baby with minimal interference from our team. You can plan to have your baby without medical intervention or medications by following your own instincts to deliver your child.

The benefits of natural childbirth include a faster recovery and less vaginal tearing. And, since you won’t be medicated during your baby’s birth, you’ll be better able to remember the event clearly.

As women have been safely using natural childbirth methods to deliver their babies for thousands of years, you can, too. In the event that you need emergency medical help during childbirth, our midwives and medical team will be there every step of the way to ensure your safety and the safety of your baby.

If you plan to deliver your child naturally, our providers have some recommendations to prepare you for a natural childbirth:

1. Participate in the planning process

Ultimately, the decision to have a natural childbirth is up to you. While this birthing method isn’t for everyone, you can work with our team on the many aspects of planning your delivery, such as:

We can also discuss your options for delivering outside of a hospital, such as in a birth center or at home.

2. Follow through with prenatal care

Consistent prenatal care is a vital part of preventing complications that can interfere with a natural childbirth.

Our team provides prenatal care services that address all aspects of your pregnancy, including your nutrition, emotional support, and physical health. Ensuring you’re healthy throughout your pregnancy will pave the way for a safe and natural delivery.

3. Plan for contractions

Contractions can be a frightening experience, especially for first-time moms. To help you prepare for the pain, you should participate in prenatal classes that provide you with resources for facing contractions during childbirth.

Fear and anxiety can cause extra tension in your body, worsen your contractions, and make your delivery longer. By learning breathing exercises and understanding what to expect ahead of time, you can face your contractions without fear.

4. Stay as physically active as possible

Childbirth takes a lot of energy and endurance. To reduce your risk for complications during a natural childbirth, we recommend that you keep up with your physical activities as long as you can.

Walking for at least 30 minutes a day can keep your heart rate up and prepare you for the physical impact of childbirth. Daily exercise can also help you manage your weight.

If you’re safely able to do more than walking, our team can help you choose other exercises to stay in good physical shape without interfering with your pregnancy.

To learn more about planning a safe and natural childbirth, book an appointment online or over the phone with The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group today.

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