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Prenatal Care Myths Debunked

Prenatal Care Myths Debunked

Pregnancy can be a roller coaster of emotions — the joy of expecting a new baby and the uncertainties of caring for yourself and your growing baby properly.

At The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, our obstetrics team offers the highest standard of prenatal care for women, even those who are facing high-risk pregnancy issues. Our physicians focus on your needs and the needs of your baby as you move toward your delivery date.

We also provide you with resources that support a healthy, happy pregnancy. Because there is a lot of information to consider throughout pregnancy, we’ve debunked some common myths about pregnancy and prenatal care.

MYTH: I can gain all the weight I want during pregnancy

Fact: While your own diet does provide nutritional support for your growing baby, you don’t have free license to eat all you want.

In general, you should only add about 300 extra calories a day to support your baby’s development. You also need to be mindful of what you’re eating throughout your pregnancy, focusing on fresh vegetables and fruits, and limiting processed foods and empty calories.

MYTH: What you eat will affect your baby’s future eating habits

Fact: If you’re eating or avoiding certain foods during pregnancy to affect how your child will eat later in life, it's time to reconsider your diet. There’s no evidence that supports what you eat will play a role in your baby’s eating habits.

What a good diet will do is provide your baby with the nutrition they need to thrive before and after birth. A healthy diet can also help you stay on track with healthy weight gain during your pregnancy to protect both you and your baby’s health.

MYTH: You can’t fly while pregnant

Fact: Flying during pregnancy is generally safe for all women, with a few precautions. If you’re planning a long flight, you may need to walk around more frequently to prevent blood clots in your legs and lungs. Our obstetrics team can also recommend other things to consider before you fly based on your specific health needs.

MYTH: You need to stop exercising during pregnancy

Fact: Exercise is important during pregnancy. Regular exercise is necessary for weight control, stress management, and your overall health. We can discuss an exercise regimen with you so you can benefit from exercising regularly.

MYTH: Pregnant women should avoid cats

Fact: Just like pregnant women, cats appreciate extra love. Cats in general aren’t a risk for pregnant women, and you can love on your cat just like you normally would.

The only real concern about cats and pregnancy concerns the litter box. Pregnant women should avoid changing dirty litter boxes to reduce their risk of developing toxoplasmosis, which is a parasitic infection that can be contracted from cat poop.

If you have an outdoor cat, it’s also important that you thoroughly wash any vegetables or fruits from a garden that your cat may use as a bathroom to reduce your risk of developing an infection.

There are many more myths surrounding pregnancy and prenatal care. If you have questions about your pregnancy, you can always ask our team for advice by booking an appointment online or over the phone with The Guirguis Obstetrics & Gynecology Group today.

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